

Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm Back!!!


Hey everyone, long time no blog. I seriously am the WORST blogger. I get on this site everyday and read other people's blogs, but never write my own. So here goes. Sooo much has been happening and soo many changes have happened I don't even know where to start. First off, I decided to go back to school. I took a couple (about 2) years off, because I went to Ecuador in 2011 and it was very difficult to go back to school once you leave. But I sat myself down and self evaluated and decided that I need an education, despite my amazing and well paying job I had at the time. So I quit that job, well demoted myself for lack of a better term, and found a new more flexible job. One that allowed me to go to school as well as work. I found a nanny job online and it was posted by a single dad with two kids. I usually stayed away from single dad posts, just because that was weird and I didn't want to put myself in an uncomfortable circumstance. But once I read this post, I had such a good feeling about it so I applied and eventually go the job. The kids are AMAZING!!! I love them soo much, there is Kahlen, she is 5 and then there is Logan, he is 3. They are typical active kids and they keep me busy and on my toes. The reason they needed a nanny was because their mother passed away from Leukimia and Dad had to work. It is a very sad and heartfelt story, and the kids are definately affected by the loss. They have a lot of emotional complications, especially Kahlen. I have learned to be very patient and more compassionate. Everything we do is a process and she needs a lot of reassurance. She is one of the most LOVING and sweet little girls I will ever meet. Logan is a hoot, typical 3 year old boy; loves to run, play, and ask a lot of questions. HAHA He keeps me very entertained, and has given me many opportunities to teach. I seriously love them to death and all the days I am not with them, I miss them terribly and wish I were with them. 

The job, although rewarding and fun, takes up a lot of my free time, so my social life has dwindled. I don't get out of the house much on my days off, because I am either way too tired and exhausted or I have a bunch of homework to do, another perk to going back to school. Being back in school has been a little rough, but so far I enjoy it for the most part. I am attending two different community colleges, Golden West and OCC. I am doing my general ed at Golden West and I am doing the child development program at OCC. I hope to become a preschool teacher, and work with young children. With the little time that I have, I usually spend it with my boyfriend, Todd. He seriously is amazing! I LOVE being around him and he makes me soo happy. Sometimes it's pretty frustrating, because we both have insanely busy schedules so it get's hard to spend quality time together. The little time we do get we are doing homework together, or just chilling at home because we are both so drained. But things will eventually get better, and we are just getting all our business out now so later we have all the time in the world for each other. I am seriously crazy about him and i think about him constantly. I still get butterflies around him and he brings out the best of me. Yes we have our ups and downs and by no means are we perfect, but he brings me back to reality and I bring out the silly in him. I know this is super cliche but we essentially complete each other. HAHA We are taking our time and in no rush to get married. It's kind of annoying because since we have been dating for quite a while now EVERYONE asks when we are getting married. We are just a chill couple and we are taking things slow, eternity is a long time you know?! Although I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else except him. Our time will come, and it's just not right now. 

Anyways, that'a basically all that has been happening with me lately....pretty exotic right?! NOT, but that's life and I'm just doing the basics of life: work, school, relationships.
Other than I just bombed my math test, my Monday has been going GREAT!!! 

Happy MONDAY everyone!!!! xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

hey everyone..meet todd!

hi ya'll fellow bloggers...we meet again!! so much has happened in the elapsed time since i blogged last. first off...i turned the big 2-1!! can i get a woot woot? beer anyone?....ROOT beer that is. anyways, i met a guy...his name is todd.....here he is:
                                                           meet todd................

  top 5 reasons why i adore him:

  1. he is freakin HOTT!
  2. he makes me laugh even when i don't want to
  3. he has the BIGGEST testimony i know and isn't afraid to share it
  4. he supports everything i do
  5. well...#5 is simple...i mean just LOOK at us!

so that is todd and that is the end to my blogg. chau for now my fellow blogees!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween....where did the innocence go?!

ok so i always thought halloween was a time to make creative costumes and get lots of candy! but now its a big excuse for girls to dress slutty and for people to get drunk...do you really think thats fun?! id have to disagree with that one..come on people have some class. halloween is about showing off your costume not your cleavage! man what the world is coming to! our body is a temple lets treat it that way!!!!! dont worry i still love everyone no matter what theyre wearing!!!! <3 happy halloween everyone...jam to my new obsession!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


so you know when you go through those phases were you just get obsessed with something..well im in that stage with a few things..heres some of my new obsessions:

  1. EVERYTHING that has to do with cobra starship
  2. pintrest...this one is like a disease
  3. the show say yes to the dress
  4. vintage anything!!!
  5. DIY projects/shows
just thought youd enjoy my new interests...heres the list of things im in the process of making my obsession:

  1. blogging...i SUCK at it
  2. volunteering more in life
  3. exercising...slowly but surely
enjoy!!!  happy thursday everyone

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ECUADOR??????? oh no its just you california

i Miss Ecuador taaan mucho su locura!!!!! Nunca pensé que podía amar a alguien tanto como yo a mis hijos. su estado casi seis meses desde que he estado en casa y no me gusta cada minuto de ella. Me gustaría aún podría ser la celebración de los bebés en los brazos y decirles cuánto los quiero. mi bebé está creciendo en estos momentos y que por desgracia no puede estar allí para presenciarlo. i en serio llorar cada vez que miro mis fotos, pero son lágrimas de alegría y amor por lo que supongo que está bien. el programa está en desesperada necesidad de voluntarios, y si tuviera el dinero que estaría de vuelta allí, en un latido del corazón! Ecuador será siempre y para siempre en mi corazón.
mis hermanos!!! <3 te amo

ecuador truley is heaven on earth!!!!

ps: i would have pics of my babies but i cant due to privacy issues...but im here if you wanna know more!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

oh ecuador where have you been?

sooo ive been thinking A LOT about ecuador and mi babies!!! i miss them sooo much and in memory of the good times i decided im going to make fruti pizza!!! mmmm its prolly the best dessert ever made! for those of you who dont know what it is here you go:

doesnt that loo yummy???? well it is!!! yo quiero ecuador!!! <3 te amo siempre!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

what are best friends for?

soooo i took a week off of school to travel on up to the good ol idaho to be with the bestie and her hubs! so while i was there we did a lot of catching up and normal best friend stuff. well i decided to ask tara to help me with my blog and cuteifying (i made that word up) it! so i come back to my blog with a huge pic of us two as the biggin and two lovely pics of an elephant taking a huge crap into a bag and a sweet lil pup...typical tara..poops and pups! gosh i love her!!! but hey what are best friends for other than putting racey pics up on your blog???? <3