
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween....where did the innocence go?!
ok so i always thought halloween was a time to make creative costumes and get lots of candy! but now its a big excuse for girls to dress slutty and for people to get drunk...do you really think thats fun?! id have to disagree with that one..come on people have some class. halloween is about showing off your costume not your cleavage! man what the world is coming to! our body is a temple lets treat it that way!!!!! dont worry i still love everyone no matter what theyre wearing!!!! <3 happy halloween everyone...jam to my new obsession!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
so you know when you go through those phases were you just get obsessed with something..well im in that stage with a few things..heres some of my new obsessions:
- EVERYTHING that has to do with cobra starship
- pintrest...this one is like a disease
- the show say yes to the dress
- vintage anything!!!
- DIY projects/shows
just thought youd enjoy my new interests...heres the list of things im in the process of making my obsession:
- blogging...i SUCK at it
- volunteering more in life
- exercising...slowly but surely
enjoy!!! happy thursday everyone
Thursday, September 22, 2011
ECUADOR??????? oh no its just you california
i Miss Ecuador taaan mucho su locura!!!!! Nunca pensé que podía amar a alguien tanto como yo a mis hijos. su estado casi seis meses desde que he estado en casa y no me gusta cada minuto de ella. Me gustaría aún podría ser la celebración de los bebés en los brazos y decirles cuánto los quiero. mi bebé está creciendo en estos momentos y que por desgracia no puede estar allí para presenciarlo. i en serio llorar cada vez que miro mis fotos, pero son lágrimas de alegría y amor por lo que supongo que está bien. el programa está en desesperada necesidad de voluntarios, y si tuviera el dinero que estaría de vuelta allí, en un latido del corazón! Ecuador será siempre y para siempre en mi corazón.
mis hermanos!!! <3 te amo
ecuador truley is heaven on earth!!!!
ps: i would have pics of my babies but i cant due to privacy issues...but im here if you wanna know more!!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
oh ecuador where have you been?
sooo ive been thinking A LOT about ecuador and mi babies!!! i miss them sooo much and in memory of the good times i decided im going to make fruti pizza!!! mmmm its prolly the best dessert ever made! for those of you who dont know what it is here you go:
doesnt that loo yummy???? well it is!!! yo quiero ecuador!!! <3 te amo siempre!!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
what are best friends for?
soooo i took a week off of school to travel on up to the good ol idaho to be with the bestie and her hubs! so while i was there we did a lot of catching up and normal best friend stuff. well i decided to ask tara to help me with my blog and cuteifying (i made that word up) it! so i come back to my blog with a huge pic of us two as the biggin and two lovely pics of an elephant taking a huge crap into a bag and a sweet lil pup...typical tara..poops and pups! gosh i love her!!! but hey what are best friends for other than putting racey pics up on your blog???? <3
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
yo quiero Ecuador MUCHO!
hola mis amigos!
so everything in ecuador is going amazing! i arrived last thursday night at like 1 in the morning! it was my first plane ride and it was very exciting! not too bad i was able to sleep most of the time and the girls i flew with were awesome, too bad they went to the different city! so i live here in ecuador in a GIGANTIC house..it looks soo small from the outside then you go in and look around and its HUGE! so all the girls here are soo frikin amazing and they are all soo nice and they treat me and all the other new people like familia! they are soo funny too i laugh soo much everyday! they are awesome girls! so the weather here is soo weird...it is super de duper caliente (hott) in the daytime, ive even gotten a little bit of a tan already..sont worry everyone ill be black by the time i get home because we are soo close to the equator so the suns rays are pretty strong! but anywasy its hott in the day time then at night it like POURS and our house is really cold especially during the day suprisingly, becasue usually the house is always hotter inside than out but then again its Ecuador..so im getting used to going to the bathrooma and then instead of throwing the toilet paper in the toilet we have to throw it all in the trash..disgusting i know, but actually its not bad at all! another thing im getting used to is not drinking the water...we cant even brush our teeth with it unless you prefer vomit and diareha! in which case i do not, but ive already accidntally put my toothbrush under the water a couple times and im still fine so knock on wood! but other than that everything is AMAZING..oh i did get my scriptures stolen on sunday and my journal that had one of my few letters from my cute missionary in it! sad day! :( but it was my ow fault becasue well we only stay at church for sacrament unless you want to go to english sunday school..so me and a few other girls walked home and then when we got home we noticed that we dont have a key adn no one was home so we tried to break into our house which i might add was IMPOSSIBLE due to the electric fence around our house (actually made us feel alot better knowing that no one can break in ever! haha) but anywasy we decided to taxi back to church to get a key and we stupidly left our scripture by our door at home thinking no one will steal them cuz who would want enlglish scriptures anywasy...so we got back to the house to find everything wed left by the door gone! so i got my brand new scripture and journal stolen!!!!! it was a VEERRRYYYY sad day that day! but other than THAT everything is soo amazing in ecuador..the food is ok..im yet to try a traditional ecuadorian meal..but im still a little homesick but what can you do..just have to suck it up and move on..we have a quote in our house that says FORGET YOURSELF AND GOT O WORK! it really is a humbling experience being here and i love all my babies already! they are the cutest kids i have EVER seen! but anyways..thats a brief overview of what Ecuador is all about! everything is better in ecuador! <3 you all!
so everything in ecuador is going amazing! i arrived last thursday night at like 1 in the morning! it was my first plane ride and it was very exciting! not too bad i was able to sleep most of the time and the girls i flew with were awesome, too bad they went to the different city! so i live here in ecuador in a GIGANTIC house..it looks soo small from the outside then you go in and look around and its HUGE! so all the girls here are soo frikin amazing and they are all soo nice and they treat me and all the other new people like familia! they are soo funny too i laugh soo much everyday! they are awesome girls! so the weather here is soo weird...it is super de duper caliente (hott) in the daytime, ive even gotten a little bit of a tan already..sont worry everyone ill be black by the time i get home because we are soo close to the equator so the suns rays are pretty strong! but anywasy its hott in the day time then at night it like POURS and our house is really cold especially during the day suprisingly, becasue usually the house is always hotter inside than out but then again its Ecuador..so im getting used to going to the bathrooma and then instead of throwing the toilet paper in the toilet we have to throw it all in the trash..disgusting i know, but actually its not bad at all! another thing im getting used to is not drinking the water...we cant even brush our teeth with it unless you prefer vomit and diareha! in which case i do not, but ive already accidntally put my toothbrush under the water a couple times and im still fine so knock on wood! but other than that everything is AMAZING..oh i did get my scriptures stolen on sunday and my journal that had one of my few letters from my cute missionary in it! sad day! :( but it was my ow fault becasue well we only stay at church for sacrament unless you want to go to english sunday school..so me and a few other girls walked home and then when we got home we noticed that we dont have a key adn no one was home so we tried to break into our house which i might add was IMPOSSIBLE due to the electric fence around our house (actually made us feel alot better knowing that no one can break in ever! haha) but anywasy we decided to taxi back to church to get a key and we stupidly left our scripture by our door at home thinking no one will steal them cuz who would want enlglish scriptures anywasy...so we got back to the house to find everything wed left by the door gone! so i got my brand new scripture and journal stolen!!!!! it was a VEERRRYYYY sad day that day! but other than THAT everything is soo amazing in ecuador..the food is ok..im yet to try a traditional ecuadorian meal..but im still a little homesick but what can you do..just have to suck it up and move on..we have a quote in our house that says FORGET YOURSELF AND GOT O WORK! it really is a humbling experience being here and i love all my babies already! they are the cutest kids i have EVER seen! but anyways..thats a brief overview of what Ecuador is all about! everything is better in ecuador! <3 you all!
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